If there is no other sources, it kind of forces everyone to max out fishing skill. Comment by Maliander. WotLK daily fishing quest reward. In patch 3.1 Marcia Chase in Dalaran starts daily fishing quests that reward a Bag of Fishing Treasures.
how to max out fishing skill
Fishing isn`t so bad once you max it out. Then it`s just a small grind to max it out again next expansion, versus the `DEAR LORD I JUST *NOW* HIT 213 FISHING?!` It also helped having all the fish in the cooking recipes.
The average skill is not as high in Russian as it is in Europe or the United States. When a Russian makes a really good result ... I want to put out another fishing line, a non-poker line. I know how much money I can win in poker& ...
When you max out your fishing you can eventually be able to catch stonescale eels which are used for stonescale oil. The oil is used as a reagent for Flask of Petrification, Flask of the ... Lucky fishing hat +5. Arcanite fishing pole +35 - Eternium line +5. Aquadynamic fishing enchantment +100 (5 mins) Total +fishing of 47 + 100 = 147. Meaning you can get a max fishing skill of 375 + 152 (fixed, thanks!) = 527. That`s a lot of fishing... Best when combined with a flying mount to reach those<wbr>& ...
If there is no other sources, it kind of forces everyone to max out fishing skill. Comment by Maliander. WotLK daily fishing quest reward. In patch 3.1 Marcia Chase in Dalaran starts daily fishing quests that reward a Bag of Fishing Treasures.
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